Zagreb Mosque 1987.

1977 - 1987 The Board for building the Zagreb Mosque was established, and with his work, engagement and efforts of the members of the board, the building of the Zagreb Mosque - Islamic Center was started and succesfully finished, after a struggle of muslims for 40 years with authorities and politics to build their Mosque.
1979 In February the Islamic Community and the Board ordered the making of the idea project of the Zagreb Mosque. This task was given to the architects from Sarajevo prof. Dr. Džemal Čelić and Mirza Gološ, who finished it and later were building the architecture complex of the Zagreb Mosque - Islamic Center Zagreb.
1981 The Supreme head of the Islamic Comunity reis-ulema hagji Naim efendija Hadžiabdić layed on September 11th the corner stone for the new the corner stone for the new Zagreb Mosque.
1981 - 1987 The building of the Zagreb Mosque was financed through donations by Muslims all over the world, but the essential financing and making it possible to finish the great task, was by donations and through the readyness and determination of the Muslims of Zagreb.
1987 On the 6th of september the celebration of the opening of the Zagreb Mosque was held in presence of around 60 thousand cititizens and guests.
The Islamic Center in Zagreb, today is considered as one of the most beautifull and important Islamic centers in Europe. The Mosque is one part of the center, the most important one, but there are a lot of other contents. In the Zagreb Islamic Center there is the Islamic Gymnasium, the religious teaching for the young ones, a kindergarden, library, exhibiton hall, congress hall, youth club, football club, restaurant and bookshop. There are lectures, exhibtions, congresses, Kur’an teaching competitions, celebrations, weddings, sport events, school festivals, celebrations of Islamic holidays and all praying fascilities and contents which make the Zagreb Islamic Center unique and worth visiting.